free similar apps

Best FREE Similar Apps Like BOMBitUP 2024

Tired of finding more apps like bombitup and still cannot find them? So be ready now because this article will tell you the top similar apps like bombitup. After a lot of research I have made this list to make it easy for you all.

I will try my best to provide you with the details of these similar apps too. The details will help you download and use these apps making it all very simple. Before moving to the list of similar apps, I will first tell you what bombitup is in case you do not know.

this is pranking apps

Similar Apps like Bombitup

  • BeastBomber
  • SMSBomberAp
  • SkTech Bomber


This app is similar to bombitup but a little more advanced too as it provides more options. It also provides services like discord and telegram bombing too along with the basic sms, calls, and emails. This app can be found on websites like GitHub where you can easily download it from and then enjoy.

Its additional services makes it to be a great competitor for bombitup and moreover telegram and discord bombing was much needed in the market. They are trying to expand their services and are already having many more features to explore and enjoy with.


It is an app developed by a company which is UK based. This app is also free to use and call help with pranking calls and sms bombing. They also offer this tool and the service on their website but the app is more convenient to use. The app can be downloaded from their official website and then simply use it. 

This app is often updated which can help users earn a better experience. This app also provides you with the opportunity to prank your friends using your PC which is a plus. Using this on PC can be so handy as this way it won’t even slow down your phone with the bulk texts being sent.

SkTech Bomber

This tech bomber also offers you both calls and sms features. This app has a very user-friendly interface which means you can easily learn using it in no time. They offer you infinite sms and calls to bomb your friends with and have made pranking very easy. This app claims to have the highest call bombing which is a great thing. 

You can download this app from their official website and also try it on their website. The developers have given the opportunity of testing this app online so you can download it once you are satisfied.


There are many more apps too but these 3 are the best apps with additional features and good reviews that I found but if I compare above 3 apps with Bombitup then Bombitup is the best. One thing that we should all be careful about is the legal policies that these apps have. We should only use these to prank our closest friends and that too being in a limit. Do not use these apps for any unethical activities.

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